Gimme Fuel, Gimme Fire

Posted by Bjoern Michaelsen on 13 November 2013

Gimme Fuel, Gimme Fire

Take the corner, going to crash

Headlights, head on, headlines

Another junkie lives too fast

Yeah, lives way too fast, fast, fast, woh

-- Fuel, Reload, Metallica

So, LibreOffice 4.2.0 alpha1 has been tagged upstream a week ago. It is an alpha release, essentially only a tagged snapshot of the LibreOffice master branch and as such might eat your kitten and kill unsuspecting relatives. On the other hand, if you absolutely are of the type that Metallica roars about in the above quote and therefore you are running the development release of Ubuntu (trusty tahr, which will become Ubuntu 14.04 LTS), you can add the LibreOffice prereleases PPA and try it out and report bugs. Of course, you should not use this in a production environment of any kind!

Im happy to see that this build available again a week earlier than last year, as early testing allows more bugs to be triaged and fixed in time. The more important difference though is that last year, the alpha version was build on the stable and released version of Ubuntu, while this year the version is already build against the early and moving development version of Ubuntu.

LibreOffice 4.2.0 alpha1 and a hint of the new Startcenter on Ubuntu Trusty Tahr

Happy testing!

Originally published on 2013-11-13 12:45:23 on wordpress.