LibreOffice at the Ubuntu Developer Summit 2011 in Budapest

Posted by Bjoern Michaelsen on 18 May 2011

LibreOffice at the Ubuntu Developer Summit 2011 in Budapest

This has been my first Ubuntu Developer Summit and therefore also my first chance to meet up with the Canonical Desktop Team in person. I had been warned before that UDS is an exciting, exhausting, enlightening and inspiring experience and I was not disappointed on any of these points. The schedule is just mindblowing, the location was great, even though little was seen from the outside world, because there was always something that needed urgent discussion. Luckily I have been in Budapest last year already for the last (in every meaning of the word, it seems) OOoCon.

I drafted two blueprints about LibreOffice which were discussed in sessions on Wednesday:

It was also great to able to have a nice short chat with Alberto Ruiz and Ted Gould about the LibreOffice Unity integration and finally also meet other contributors to the LibreOffice project (for example: Vish, KAMI and Robert Roth) and members of the Ubuntu Documentation and Translation teams with an interest in LibreOffice and its place on the desktop.

On a side note: My flight there was delayed, making me miss my connecting flight, but that allowed me flighting through the dusk, which is always so beautiful, that I would like to share a view of that with you:

Flying to UDS 2011

This was originally published at 2011-05-18 14:33:00/011-05-18 14:33:00 on livejournal.