Building LibreOffice easily, killing an urban myth

LibreOffice 4.0 alpha1 available for testing

Dicke Bertha online.

Survived UDS, LibreOffice on Ubuntu Nexus 7 and my obsession with clicky keyboards

LibreOffice Quality Heroes

LibreOffice Quantal features: Unity Integration, PackageKit and Templates

Speakerdeck'd myself ... (also: LibreOffice conference 2012)

LibreOffice rules

Announcing LibreOffice HardHacks

On the importance of being a bug confirmer

early releases, continuous integration, warm bodies and cool machines

LibreOffice in the Top Ten

Call for Testing: Ubuntu LibreOffice packages

Move from LiveJournal

Move to wordpress

Garbage collecting the LibreOffice development wiki entry pages

Rotated LibreOffice EasyHacks!

Gerrit for LibreOffice

LibreOffice 3.6.0 beta 1 preview packaged in ppa

gerrit master sync from freedesktop