LibreOffice Test Marathon, Bibisect 4.0 and Ubuntu packages

Building LibreOffice easily, killing an urban myth

LibreOffice 4.0 alpha1 available for testing

Dicke Bertha online.

Survived UDS, LibreOffice on Ubuntu Nexus 7 and my obsession with clicky keyboards

LibreOffice Quality Heroes

LibreOffice Quantal features: Unity Integration, PackageKit and Templates

Speakerdeck'd myself ... (also: LibreOffice conference 2012)

LibreOffice rules

Announcing LibreOffice HardHacks

On the importance of being a bug confirmer

early releases, continuous integration, warm bodies and cool machines

LibreOffice in the Top Ten

Garbage collecting the LibreOffice development wiki entry pages

Rotated LibreOffice EasyHacks!

Gerrit for LibreOffice

LibreOffice 3.6.0 beta 1 preview packaged in ppa

gerrit master sync from freedesktop

Ubuntu LibreOffice Development Kickstart Guide

LibreOffice EasyHacks on OpenHatch